Lovely progress!

After pondering this first chapter for a long time, deciding to discard my original prologue as it really wasn’t adding anything vital to the overall plot, I finally sat down and re-wrote the first chapter of what is pretty much the third draft of Light. At first I was really preoccupied with largely over-thinking the whole thing, worrying if certain things were making sense and if I wasn’t even starting this whole thing right.

Let’s face it, next to endings, beginnings are probably the hardest thing to write.

Finally I decided that yes, it would work and it did make sense and ended up adapting quite a bit of old stuff from the second draft that fit into this pretty well. Right now I’m quite happy with the chapter as it is since it does introduce three different conflicts that will carry the main plot: the Raeyn story-line, the Empire vs. the Voyants and the conflict between Ares and Damian. I’ll look over it again tomorrow to weed out anything that I may have overlooked or that could be improved and then move on to chapter two, which will be a lot of fun to write πŸ™‚

P.S.: If anyone has any good designs or pictures of the Chariot (as in the Tarot card), send them my way asΒ  I am looking for a good one to use for a tattoo design πŸ™‚

3 Responses to “Lovely progress!”

  1. Cassandra Jade Says:

    I agree that beginnings are really hard to write. Actually, good beginnings are really hard to write. The first draft I don’t even worry about it. I just start the story. Later on I realise that most of what I have in the first couple of chapters is completely useless and hack it out. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. sirayn Says:

    Are you posting the third draft behind a friendslock, and if so, what do I have to do to sneak in? πŸ˜€

  3. nymeria87 Says:

    Cassandra: That’s exactly what I used to do and probably why I’m now kind of panicky about it, just making sure I don’t feel like this is going nowhere after the first few chapters. And this time I’m convinced that it’ll be awesome, but I’m still worried about some people getting all hyped up about what I’m telling them about the book only to be sadly disappointed by the first chapter… No I’m not working under pressure at all here πŸ˜› So I totally understand where you’re coming from, because I’ve been doing this with the last 3 drafts (there actually is a (really horrible) Zero Draft to Light)

    Sira: Hm, I actually haven’t posted anything at all yet, but if you want to read it, you’re MORE than welcome to. I certainly can use all the lovely input I can get πŸ˜€

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