New layout

So I’ve grown tired of yet another theme and chosen to update it. I should tinker a little bit more with photoshop to make a better image picture, but right now I’m fairly happy with this. It’s what I imagine Damian to look like and the red coat just fit perfectly. I’m going to work on it some more as soon as I have time, but for now I like it.

This weekend has been rather good for me so far. I finished Fourteen today after writing a lot today and last night. I think Ares and Damian have a great scene that marks the climax of the plot so far. I might have to tweak it here and there, but overall it’s great. I’m really happy that I finally got to write this scene and there’s another really good one to come in Fifteen.

I also created a new page that features Thirteen as an excerpt of Light for anybody who is curious about what and how I’m writing. I know there are still many things that need to be changed on it, but it gives you a general idea. Enjoy!

I also changed the way I’m formatting my manuscript, making it so every page on word approximately equals one page in a paperback novel. So far that would be 298 pages with a wordcount of 58,613, phew!